Friday, July 25, 2008

Because man cannot live on desserts alone

I love to cook and I love to bake but I especially love cook and bake desserts and pastries. For as long as I can remember I would always cut my meals in half so that I could leave room for dessert. If I had my way I would live solely on desserts but we all know that's not very practical or healthy. The fact is....we need food to live. Many people tend to think that people who love food just love to eat. Loving food is not - at least for me - is not just about eating (or being greedy) food but about the joy and pleasure that comes from being able to create the kind of food that you enjoy from scratch.

The first blog that I created speaks solely about my love and passion for making (and enjoying) great desserts and pastries. I think I love dessert because it's happy food and I love to be happy and make others happy. I mean show me anybody who doesn't get happy when eating their favourite desserts. I get greater pleasure from watching others eat and enjoy the desserts that I create for them.

I was inspired to write this blog when my sister asked me for a recipe for macaroni and cheese. It was at that very moment that I realised that people don't just look to me for desserts but also for great tasting food. I also realised that there are some people who are just more savoury than sweet. Over the next few weeks I will be working on perfecting the dishes that I love and there's no guessing what my first dish will got that right...macaroni and cheese.

Why macaroni and cheese? Everybody in my family loves macaroni and cheese and its always the table during family gatherings. For some reason I find myself giving instructions on how to make this family staple (for my macaroni and cheese of course) to the same people all the time. I mean I will busy at work or relaxing at home and I would get a call, "Diane how do you make macaroni and cheese again?" or "How do you make that white sauce again". Well at least with this blog I never have to take such calls again.

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